A new army…a new begining

Alright, so a while ago I bought the OP Icestorm set so I could run demos for my LGS.  I painted the Nomad troops mainly so I had someone to kill with my PanO Regulars.  But now I have a head full of conversion ideas and am repainting the army.  I don’t have an overall theme yet, but I have a few ideas.  We will see where this goes but first…you came for the minis so the first project for my unnamed Nomad project!!


Grenzer parts cropGrenzerarmon1Grenzerarmon2


Because I’m limiting myself to CB tourney rules this will mean alot of head/arm swaps with some cutting and pasting to change poses.  I’m also gonna try to build models that have profiles but no current mini.  Can you guess what is happening here…if your mind ran to “Missle Grenzer”…you could be right…maybe…ok so here are the components I’m using: Grenzer body, Alguacil missle launcer arms.  Pretty simple, I’m also going to re position the head to alter the pose a little.  I used Green Stuff to rebuild the collar on his coat, and I also had to shave off his right shoulder pad to make the missile launcher fit.


Grenzerdone 2Grenzerdone 1


And here he is done, the Launcher arm wasn’t that hard to set on, I anchored it to the support arm first and locked it into the shoulder after that.  I’ll post more as it comes…


Welcome to Teufelscuba’s Infinity Blog

Hello all,

If you have found your way here, you are no doubt looking for examples of my work, tactical tips, advice, and my slightly unique, ok crazy, sense of humor.  I began this project to document all of my various Infinity-related gaming projects.  This will eventually include all of my armies, terrain and  informational articles.  So please explore the projects, enjoy the goofy movie references, and join me in my love for this hobby.



The first step…

I recently, for the first time, began to post pictures of my work for public consumption.  At first I did not think it to be a larger project; but I have now found that a single post with a few images on the forum has left me wanting to do more.  Thus, I have taken the first step in documenting my various Infinity projects.  This will begin with my re-vamp of my first army, and will continue into future painting/conversion projects.  So, to complete my first test post, here is my update on TF  3-62 of the Acontecimento Shock Army…


Someone once said something about spring springing eternal…whatever, I’m changing the paint scheme on my guys… After a lot of table time I found that the micro-dot digital camo pattern I was using looks great up close but is indistinguishable at table height. Also a good lesson for newer painters, Camo is tough because in order to look like camo, it kinda has to all blend together and thus look like a blob at table height.  In order to make the mini look good at table range, you have to have colors that clash and contrast, thus not really being effective camo.  So with that in mind, I am changing the pattern on my troops.  The uniforms under the armor will chage while the armor will stay the same.  Here is an example of one of my “new” pattern uniforms:

Comparison 1

The trooper on the left is using the new Multi-Environment Pattern, while Lt. Rao on the right is wearing the older Micro-Digital pattern.  The trooper on the left is also the first test model for my “Bolt-Mari” conversions, he uses nearly all of the parts of a Neo-Terra Bolt with a few small chages, mainly I used green stuff to fill in the gap at the back of the helmet to make it a single antenna helmet instead of the dual ram horns.  Since this guy worked out well and his weapons and armor are the new sculpts, I may do a full set of these guys, not sure yet since I have alot of old sculpt Bagh-Mari already…

Comparison 2

Here is a better look at the pair…

Comparison 3

And a look at the back, where you can see the new uniforms more clearly (Also the new guy is a Paramedic).  The new pattern is based on a tiger-stripe scheme, I figured tiger hunters would find it appropriate.  It may take a while to convert all of my guys over to the new pattern, but I think they will look better after I do.  I’ll post more pics as I go…

And for one last pic…coming soon:
Roy Pre-Pic
Guess who is coming to dinner…actually he is coming to eat your lunch…and you…with some chips…and salsa…
Til next time…